


To obtain a job in broadcasting, mainly in the sports industry


Colorado Media School                                                          November 2016- Present

I’m learning skills of production, editing, and on air practices through the program at The Colorado Media School. I’m planning on graduating July 2017 and be fully prepared to enter the world of media and entertainment.

Metro State University of Denver                                              May 2007 – May 2016

My bachelor’s degree is in English with a emphasis in writing and literature. I learned how to utilize technical and creative writing skills, including formal essays and script writing. This gives me the flexibility to create content easily and build a strong foundation and format for a show.


Functional with adobe software (Audition, Photoshop, Premiere, etc.), social media active (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr etc.) Avid researcher, character voices and dialect studies, script and song writing/editing, guitar bass and piano literate


Bassist for Red Tide Rising                                                         July 2014-December 2016

·       Regional touring band

·       Interview skills (both performing and being interviewed)

·       Production skills (setting up boards, and patching audio)

Girls in the Back Row Podcast Guest Host                                March 2016- Present (On the Air)

·       Developing a radio voice

·       Works well with others (co-hosting)

·       Segment building and show outlines


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